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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Things To Do In The Morning

If you’re like me, you’d probably sleep ’till noon doing nothing. Sometimes I feel like I was the laziest person in the whole world. Sure I know that kills my productivity, lowers my energy and generally speaking makes me doing nothing important.

I just had to develop kind of a system, that would take me out of this. So here it is:
Every single day in the morning I do 7 simple things.

1. Wake up early.

It’s hard to get used to, but since I’ve noticed that I’ve got a lot more time for myself and my freelance jobs before going to my office – I just made it a habit. Another thing that is connected with waking early is that I get much more energy, even if I’m a bit sleepy at first.

2. Get up immedietly. The longer I stay in bed, the harder is to get up. So get up early. It’s the same as with everything you do: don’t wait until the last moment – if you have to do something: do it right now.

3. Get dressed right after you wake-up.

I mean I get up, take a shower, and get dressed. If I’m waking around the house only in the towel or somthing similar I just don’t do things I should do at the moment. I can afford this at the weekdays.

4. Open the window wide and take a deep breath. Feel the fresh air of the morning deep inside of you. It will help to open your “chakras”, clean your body inside and make you feel happier.

5. Take a look at the sky. Even if it’s not so beautifully blue at the moment just look at it. It will relax your eyes, your brain, and make you feel better. And btw. do it anytime you feel sad or upset…

6. Big, happy smile.

If you feel good, that should be easy, but if you don’t just force yourself to do it. Facial muscles are tightly connected to the brain, so if you smile the brain starts thinking that you’re happy, then your body produces more endorfines (and other substances) and you in fact becoming happy. It works. Trust me.

7. Say Thank You.

Say thank you to the world for this great morning and for this great day that’s ahead of you. Express your gratitude to God (if you belive in Him), and just say to yourself: “Thank me, for being such a happy and great person and for that I’ll achive all my goals set-up for today with such an ease and pleasure”.

These 7 essential steps you should do in the morning will make your day another great pleasurable experience.

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