The scorpion can range from being a troublesome pest to a life and death emergency depending on the species and the person being stung. Adults that are healthy will not generally die from most scorpion stings, but a child, senior citizen, or allergic individual may. The bottom line is that scorpions are not a good thing to have around the home. Controlling scorpion problems is not the easiest thing in the world to do, but with some effort you can generally rid your home and yard of them.

The first key to controlling scorpions in your home is to understand their habits in nature. Scorpions are largely dormant during the day, and often burrow in the ground or hide under trash, rocks, or wood. For this reason, it is imperative that you keep these types of habitats cleaned up in your yard. Do not leave trash, or unnecessary wood piles and rocks in your yard. This just gives the scorpions an ecosystem to survive in, and will aid in their staying.

Scorpions are active during the night so that they can control their water levels and temperature. This is important to an arachnid that spends a great deal of time in arid, dry regions. For this reason, it is important that you always wear shoes in scorpion territory, and particularly at night. Scorpions can be hunted and killed at night by using a black light. Black lights will cause the scorpions to glow bright at night, and you can pick them off rather easily. It is important that you do this with great care, and that you use something that will not bring your hands or body into close proximity of the scorpion. A scorpion is quite fast and can sting you before you even knew what happened. Use a shovel, or some other long handled item to kill them. There are also sprays that can kill them as well.

As far as scorpions inside the home, the real key is prevention. Make sure you have no cracks, crevices, or holes in the exterior of your home. Patching up these entryways are highly effective at keeping scorpions out of your home. If you have areas that you can not take care of for any reason, then lay someglue traps down to capture them right at the entrances. Take extreme care when you go to dispose of the traps. Often a scorpion will still be alive and deliver a quick and nasty sting. Do not assume they are dead because they are not moving.

There are a number of scorpion treatments that you can have put down in your yard, though a large number of them are chemical based. This is effective in many cases, but it comes at the cost of putting chemical substances in your lawn. There are some organic treatments out there as well.