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Thursday, May 28, 2009

YOGA - The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being

Yoga is not a recent practice. It is a practice which through time, has developed and increased in significance and appeal worldwide. The rationale behind the appeal is greatly to do with the physical and psychological benefits experienced when integrating yoga into ones daily schedule. Yoga can be viewed as a breath of fresh air in this fast paced lifestyle that we live in.

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means “to integrate”. Yoga promotes a harmonious working together of the bodys components leading to both physical and mental training. Despite the fact that there are numerous forms of yoga; Hatha Yoga is still presently seen as one of the more commonly practiced yoga styles. Hatha Yoga consists of non strenuous physical exercise which aids in strengthening, stretching and balancing the bodys joints. Regular breathing is performed at the same time which aids in providing oxygen to the muscles, and in turn positively affects bodily structures and organs. The awareness required during yoga practice, ensures that mind and body have to work together to create a mind-body harmony which in turn promotes healing.

Yoga will not be a quick fix for all your aches, worries and pains. However, with regular yoga practice your body will rebalance slowly and steadily, leaving you discovering the results for yourself. Physical benefits which you can anticipate are improved efficiency of the lungs, better use of your respiratory muscles, improved flexibility of the joints, improved coordination and muscle tone, maintenance of bone density, reduced risk of injury as well as the prevention of weight gain. Psychological benefits can also include an increase in self-confidence, decreased cravings for tobacco and food, better sleep, an increased ability to relax, improved concentration as well as a reduced likelihood of depression. Yoga differentiates itself from other exercises as it draws on the entire person as a whole.

Half an hour of yoga a day, or 15 minutes of yoga twice a day, can easily be incorporated into any daily schedule. Some breathing techniques can even be practiced while working or driving home after a long day. A short routine for those of you spending hours staring at a computer screen is to take a few moments every day to glance at a distant object. This allows your eyes a moments rest from glare and a change of focus. Look left and right, up and down at least 5 times, blink at least 8 times to moisten your eyes and if it is at all possible, rest your elbows on a comfortable surface and close your eyes whilst covering them with the palm of your hands. If you can incorporate this with or without some breathing exercises, you will already be on the way to a healthier and possibly more focused lifestyle.

Billionaire Leverage Techniques: 5 Tips to Accomplish Your Big Dream

Have you ever had a dream so big that you had no idea how to accomplish it? The dream is there, in the background of your mind, gnawing at you and clamoring for your attention.

For many busy entrepreneurs, you might start to feel like the dream is slowly dieing. With everything you have to do to generate financial results, you never have time to focus on the dream. You are always busy running your business, making money, taking care of your clients, etc. Who has time to chase their dreams?

When you let your dream die, it affects your passion. Without passion, running your business can start to feel like work (who wants that?). Passion is the fuel that gets you going every day, provides the stamina to overcome the challenges and obstacles, and inspires you to think bigger.

Recently I saw an Oprah special called “Building a Dream” about the launch of her Leadership Academy for young girls in South Africa. As I watched the show, I realized that Oprah has been visioning this school for a long time. She had clarity about so many details -- from the uniforms to even the brick color of the building. It has been the fuel that keeps her going ever day, overcoming the big obstacles that have risen in running a billion dollar empire.

We all know that Oprah is very busy with her show and her magazine. How she brought her dream to life and fulfilled her passion was by surrounding herself with a team of people who could bring her vision to life.

If you study billionaires (which I do) you will learn a special leverage technique they all use to manifest their dreams into reality. I’ve seen this technique used by Oprah, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson. The technique: build a team to bring the vision to life.

Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Stay focused on the vision. Michael Gerber’s In the Dreaming Room covers the power of what your REAL job is (and by the way, it’s not getting lost in the day-to-day management.) It’s all about creating a vision so big that it pulls you forward.

2. Do YOUR job. Your job is to stay focused on high payoff activities. Let others do what they do best. Bookkeeping, housecleaning, graphic design, website updates, filtering emails and phone calls are all low payoff activities for the average business owner yet you many spend thousands of billable hours a month on these tasks.

3. Surround yourself with powerful implementers. When you leverage your time and build a team of good people, then your dreams become real 100 times faster. Most entrepreneurs are really great with ideas but lose traction when it comes to details and managing projects.

4. Start sooner. In completing the Virtual Team Building Secrets interviews, one thing I found in common with all five experts is they waited too long to build their team. It cost them time, money and sanity. The billionaires I studied all took the risk to build a team immediately.

5. Let go. Once you create your power team, be sure to learn to delegate well. It doesn’t do anyone any good if you hold the reigns too tight. A golden rule of delegation is, “Commit to the outcome, let go of the path to get there.”

Its time to start building YOUR team. It’s the fastest way to create more time, free up energy and make progress in bringing your vision to life.

Bill Gates - A story of Success

William H. Gates is chairperson and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing.

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.

Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had an excellent record in mathematics and science. Still he was getting very bored in school and his parents knew it, so they always tried to feed him with more information to keep him busy. Bill’s parents came to know their sons intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. It was a very important decision in Bill Gates life where he was first introduced to a computer.

Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed "Programmers Group" in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their computer skill in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the group’s program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business.

Bill Gates and his close friend Allen started new company of their own, Traf-O-Data. They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow. From this project they earned around $20,000. The era of Traf-O-Data came to an end when Gates left the college. In 1973, he left home for Harvard University. He didn’t know what to do, so he enrolled his name for pre-law. He took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvards toughest mathematics courses. He did well over there, but he couldn’t find it interesting too. He spent many long nights in front of the schools computer and the next day asleep in class.

After leaving school, he almost lost himself from the world of computers. Gates and his friend Paul Allen remained in close contact even though they were away from school. They would often discuss new ideas for future projects and the possibility of starting a business one fine day. At the end of Bills first year, Allen came close to him so that they could follow some of their ideas. That summer they got job in Honeywell. Allen kept on pushing Bill for opening a new software company.

Within a year, Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard. Then he formed Microsoft. Microsofts vision is "A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer". Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or God’s grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Bill’s Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of Risk and the game of world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry.

Bill Gates is not a greedy person. In fact, he is quite giving person when it comes to computers, internet and any kind of funding. Some years back, he visited Chicagos Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicagos schools and museums where he donated a total of $110,000, a bunch of computers, and provided internet connectivity to number of schools. Secondly, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University. Gates plans to give away 95% of all his earnings when he is old and gray.

Blogging - How to Write Blog Post Titles that Get Attention

The title of your blog post needs to catch attention. If it fails to catch attention, then people wont read the post. And the time spent writing the post will be wasted. The title is also used in the search engines. So the title needs to catch the attention of search engine users too.

What are some techniques you can apply so your title gets attention?

First, you can include a benefit in your title. People want to know whats in it for them or what advantages they can gain. By including a benefit, youll get their attention and make them want to read your post.

Another technique is to add urgency to your title. Urgency makes them want to read your post now rather than later. For instance, the title “Triple Your Productivity” is good because it has a benefit.

But adding urgency will make it even better. For example, you could say, “6 Shocking Secrets Recently Discovered That Will Triple Your Productivity.” Or, “A Rare Scientific Breakthrough Proven to Triple Your Productivity.” The reader wants to learn those secrets or the breakthrough by reading the post now rather than later.

You can also make your title specific to get attention. For instance, instead of “Boost Your Productivity,” you can make it more specific by saying, “8 Tips to Boost Your Productivity.”

Another tip is to make your title unique. If your title is similar to other titles that exist, or if you use cliches, then itll be hard for your title to catch attention. Your title needs to stand out by being unique. So instead of “Boost Your Productivity,” you could say “Rapidly Increase Your Productivity By Applying These Secrets That Few People Know.”

Ideally, youll want to include more than one of these 4 elements in your title. If you combine them, itll add more power to your title and really get attention.

Interviews - Top Tip For Interview Confidence

The more you think about a particular scenario the more emotion you give to it and this emotion becomes increasingly more powerful. As you continue to think along the same lines, this powerful emotion in effect magnetizes whatever you are thinking about into your reality. This may sound a bit far-fetched to some, but I can assure you that this is very much the truth. Just think for a moment about energy. Everything around you has its own frequency of energy transmission, everything is made up of energy, be it a leaf or a stone, the sun, the moon, and you yourself. We humans are energy beings, although not many of us acknowledge or pay heed to this fact.

I think that almost every one of us does "know" our energy connection at some level. You hear someone saying "were on the same wave length", or "were on a different wave length" or "we are so in tune with each other" or "I can feel the vibes" and these sayings often come from an unconscious awareness of the energy waves which we are experiencing. I think everyone will also acknowledge that we feel more comfortable in the company of those with whom we feel are on a similar wave-length.

Your interview is both a performance and a "getting to know one another" scenario. It is therefore important, if you want to get that job, to get in tune with the person or people who are conducting the interview. In this way they will feel comfortable with you, they will like you, and at the end of the day they are far more likely to employ someone whom they like than someone who for some unknown reason they feel slightly uncomfortable with. The use of body language goes some way to achieving this aim, but your mind is far more powerful factor in this equation.

Getting on the same wave length mentally is a skill which you can learn, just as you can learn the techniques of body language. Job-hunting is a competition. Just as you would psyche yourself up if you were competing in the Olympics, you need to do exactly the same before you enter the interview arena. In sport, everyone at the top uses mental rehearsal to prepare for success. Hypnosis is probably THE most powerful and effective way in which to train your mind for success.

You will have an inner knowledge that the "vibe" which you are transmitting is that you are the perfect person for the job.

Interview confidence comes from the inside, and with the use of hypnosis you can access the inner workings of your mind, creating an expectation of success which magnetizes exactly that into your reality.

Basic Computer Features Guide

When buying a desktop computer one of the first things to look at will be its use and individual budget. The use for which the computer Internet can greatly influence the features to focus on.

For example, a machine that will be primarily used for gaming should focus on lots of memory, a powerful processor, enhanced video and graphics, while a computer that will be used for Internet browsing and simple word processing will not need nearly as much frills. And there are many dell computer models for every type of computer need.

This computer-buying guide covers the basics to give you some idea of the important features to look at.


CPU stands for central processing unit and is the brains of the computer. It is where most of the actual computing takes place and the quality of the processor will greatly determine the performance of the computer. The processor speed is measured in GHz.

There are budget processors, mid grade and high-end processors. The high end ones maybe necessary for enhanced computer functions, such as gaming and entertainment, but overall the mid grade types are quite good and will deliver great performance for most any uses. Overall the two best brand names for processors are Intel and AMD.

RAM Memory

RAM memory refers to the amount of programs you can run on computers without running into slow downs in performance and crashes. The more RAM the better, especially for video, entertainment and gaming. 1GB is great for most computer functions, 2GB, 3GB and 4GB is really great. At least 3GB, is optimal for gaming and media experiences.

Also, it is a good idea to check and make sure that there are open memory upgrade slots so you can always add more memory as it is fairly cheap and easy to install.

Hard Drives

Hard drives are significant for the speed capacity of computers. Overall, the larger the drive the more storage space and the faster the computer. Optimal is 500GB.

Optical Drives - CD/DVD/Blu-ray

Most computers these days come with DVD/CD burners, and even if they do not they are cheap and easy to install and come in internal and external versions. Blu-ray is the latest option for burning in high definition format.

External Ports and Connections

Ports are used to attach peripherals, such as printers, Internet, iPods and others. Most important will be to have at least 5 USB ports, one FireWire port as well as an Ethernet connection for Internet and networking. Overall, the more ports you have the more variety and options will be available to add ons.


A good monitor is essential for a quality computer experience. The older CRT models have become largely obsolete with the introduction of the LCD screen monitors, however many people still use them and they can still be found at online shopping sites. LCD screen monitors have a superior display with a reduced size due to the flat panel and their lower power consumption over the CRT models.

They come in a variety of sizes and sometimes the larger ones are a better value for the money and make the best experience for gaming, entertainment, such as video watching and are much easier on the eyes.

How to pick your perfect laptop

I am usually startled to witness people purchasing laptops from high end stores and spending large amounts of money on laptops with functions they will never probably make use of. It is pitiful to observe sales representatives trying to sell you the most costly laptop you are keen to buy just to make the heftiest commission they can. Conceivably, this is what is lacking in capitalists economy, but this does not imply that you have to get always get tricked.

Selecting the ideal laptop for your requirements need not be difficult provided you are aware of some of the fundamental factors effecting laptop performance. First of all lets talk about different brands of laptops. You might find yourself being sold a Sony laptop over an Acer laptop and end up giving hundreds extra for the Sony even if the laptops specifications are almost identical. Does this mean you have gotten a faster or more reliable laptop but going for the premium brand? Does it imply that by going with the finest brand you have gotten a faster and more dependable laptop? Unluckily no, well done you just spent a few hundred on a brand name. Only a few suppliers in the world make components for the laptops which are then bought by the laptop brands such as Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Sony etc and put together to be sold under their respective brand name. So next time you are looking to acquire a fresh laptop disregard the brands altogether. Instead, focus on the requirements of the laptop and if feasible try them in the shop before buying.

Another major downside for a laptop buyers is either buying a laptop which is way too sophisticated for their needs or buying one which is lacking in performance and holds back the buyer from utilising the piece of technology as per their needs. For those of you looking only to use your laptop for surfing the net, chatting with friends, emails, office programs, and watching videos, the inexpensive laptops on the market will have more then enough power for these requirements. Forget about the processor card speed or graphics card performance and plainly choose a good looking laptop which has sufficient space for fulfilling your requirements. For those of you looking to play games on your laptop be ready to pay a fortune for your laptop. The graphic card is the only vital component for a gaming laptop. Traditionally laptops have awful graphics as manufacturers try to cut expenses hence any gaming laptop will set you back at least £500 or $700. While opting for a gaming laptop you should only take into consideration the kind of graphic card it has. Get the laptop with the most powerful graphic card in your budget and stop thinking about the rest of the requirements as if the graphics card is powerful the rest of the system will be too. Searching the internet for reviews of a particular graphic card that a laptop has is the easiest way to ensure its potency and its levels of performance in games.

My last word of warning will be to watch out for the in style tiny notebooks that are 10 inches or smaller. Due to the small size of keyboard, typing on these is extremely hard. A lot of do not have a Microsoft Windows operating system you might be used to and hence appear much inexpensive but a lot less practical as a result. Lastly, look out for their hard drive size as the inexpensive models have a USB memory stick with 2 - 8 GB space attached to it instead of a hard drive which is inadequate for a normal user. Personally their substantially lower output and identical price tag to inexpensive full sized laptops leaves me confused as to why anyone would buy them apart from for their tiny size making them very handy. According to me, laptops have become more of style statements than workable laptops.

Google Adwords - Using Adwords To Make Money

You have an option to start making money online through someone else’s products. This manner of online money making is referred to as affiliate marketing, and by joining an affiliate program you would be capable of earning a commission of each sale you make. Although this sounds rather easy, in the initial stages you will need time, patience and a small amount of money.

The first step is to register with an online affiliate program. There is a variety for you to choose from; however a particular well known one and the one I have first hand knowledge of is called Clickbank. Once you have reached the home page and signed up to Clickbank, you will need to go to the marketplace to check out the range of products that you could attach yourself to. Clickbank uses a technique where the products with a higher chance of making money are placed at the top of the listing. Some determining factors of the product placement include sales trends and how often a click is converted into a sale.

The optimum product to sell is the one with high sales opposed to high commission. An even better option if you can find a product like this; high sales and high commission! When you have chosen your product, you need to click on the ‘hoplink’. This will inform you of your affiliate link, which you will need to copy and save for advertising purposes.

Having an affiliate site is not going to make you money if you don’t advertise it. This next section will introduce you to advertising using Google Adwords. Google Adwords is a pay-per-click advertising program, and it can be accessed through the main Google search page. You will need to register with this program and it is very important that you read the editorial guidelines thoroughly. This will prevent you from having to redo ads with factors that Google prohibits. Once you have enrolled, you can start making your small advertisement which will be shown in Google search results. The advertisement needs to be attention-grabbing so as to lure potential buyers to it. Most importantly your ad must have relevant keywords in it. After all, the search is based on keywords.

This is where you can send yourself broke if you’re not careful! You have to choose the keywords that will relate to your advertisement and therefore your site. Once you have chosen your keywords, Google will inform you of a price per click. You either accept this information and begin your advertising or delete it and try again. In the event that you accept and plan to start advertising, you need to decide on a budget. I recommend that you place a daily limit on your campaigns, because without one you will find that your invoice balance grows VERY quickly. A small amount per day will allow you to find a product that makes money for you, and then you might decide to increase your budget slightly for a time. You have to consider your budget while paying enough money to allow your ad to be in the first couple pages of the search listing. Once all this is done, you are required to finalize your account set up by notifying Google of your credit card details. Your Google account will be settled each month through this credit card. The good news is that your commission will be deposited into your click bank account after each sale. That is how to make money with affiliate programs and that is how you will build your bank balance.

Google Adsense - Best Make Money Online Program

What is AdSense?

AdSense is Googles program for placing its AdWords ads on non-Google websites such as this one.
AdSense lets website owners like you and me make money easily and fast without even selling anything. In fact you can often start earning in under 24 hours and when you get paid, it is Google that sends you a check!

You dont have to run a large site or have much traffic to make money and AdSense works for small enthusiast or hobby sites as well as larger operations.

AdSense is easy - but heres how to make real money
Some websites make a lot of money from AdSense (thousands of dollars a month!) whilst others make very little and there are many complex reasons why earnings differ.

Ive been using AdSense since it was launched and am hugely enthusiastic about it. Ive written a 5-day course about AdSense that explains

where the money comes from
what you have to do to start out fast
how much money you can make
what clicks are worth
how to put a rocket-engine behind your earnings
whether you can cheat
how to build a site for AdSense fast and easily
how to get going without spending any money
Its free and theres no obligation whatsoever.

To get the first installment in your in-tray in a few minutes just complete the form below.

I also discuss some unique and risky experiments Ive done in my AdSense lab as I unpicked the AdSense system. (I was lucky not to get banned for doing some of these! Dont try them yourself. You can also read what Google had to say to me about them.)

Like a link to a presentation by Google about AdSense that few people know about? Written for advertisers, it explains Googles view on why AdSense is so useful for businesses. You can get it here too.

Google Adsense – The Easiest Online Money Making in Pakistan

Across the globe, Google Adsense has gained popularity as an easiest free money making program which helped millions of people in becoming rich by simply working from home through internet. The best part about Google Adsense program is its simplified Tax free payments in developing countries like Pakistan. Google Adsense money is now also paying through Western Union Quick Cash option which facilitates Pakistanis to receive their earned money via worldwide Western Union Money Transfer service. This means that now you don’t have to wait for months to receive check through standard delivery neither you have to pay for additional bank charges. Google Adsense has already dominated the internet marketing business and is now it is considered the easiest way to making money online even in Pakistan.

Now the question arises that how we can reap the rewards of Google Adsense in Pakistan?

Of course, we can! All we need to do is get 1 free website from www.googlepages.com

or free blog from www.blogger.com just to get started. You may use other free websites or blogs if you want there are several websites which offer this service. It is not necessary to know a lot of technical lingo of Web Development but it is always good to have little bit knowledge about HTML codes.

Here people make mistake by copy paste the other website content. This is the biggest blunder that every new comer does. Never copy other’s content because it is read horribly by webcrwlers or search engines and it eliminate the chances of being appeared in search results. However, if you do copy paste must mention the source to be on the safe side, or you can use the idea from the main source but try to use your own words for the content of your website or blog.

Deciding what content to put in your website or blog is a very important decision for your online business. Know your strength, passion & specialties before creating your blog or website. It doesn’t matter which category you choose. It must be something that you are most interested in. For example if you are good in cooking then you should make your website for cooking but do consider the readers point of view; the content should create interest for readers.

Once you have created your blog or website sign up for Google Adsense and create your account. It is important to put accurate information especially your address and postal code because they will send a PIN number to your address and if the address is not correct, then all your efforts will go in vain. So you must fill all information and wait email for accepting. As soon as you receive email for acceptance you will be able to choose various options of ads for your website or blog. And you are ready to unlock the potential income from internet.

But don’t get excited!!!! It is just the beginning; you have to learn few more tricks of the trade which we will share with our readers in upcoming posts.

Keep visiting us on www.earnpakistani.com we will update our website with lot of other money making tips for Pakistanis very soon.

Beware of “Click Fraud” while Making Money Online in Pakistan

“Making Money Online through Google Adsense in Pakistan” is becoming a buzz in online world and it is catching a lot of attention of jobless people in Pakistan. We have already seen real life example of people legitimately making money online through Google Adsense in Pakistan in previous posts.

The evil forces are also out there to misuse and misguide the innocent people in Pakistan. If someone wants to make money online via Google Adsense, then he/she has to follow all the terms and conditions of this program.

Click fraud is a type of internet crime that occurs in pay per click online advertising when a person, automated script, or computer programme imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad for the purpose of generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad’s link. Click fraud is the subject of some controversy and increasing litigation due to the advertising networks being a key beneficiary of the fraud.

Click Fraud is a global phenomena and Google is perfectly aware of this dilemma. The mafia of Click Fraud is strengthening its roots in Pakistan. We often hear from national dailies and from various websites that one can spend two to three hours online to earn handsome amount. How is it possible? Is there really anything worth doing online? If yes, then what it is and how does it work?

There are some people in Pakistan who are working in the form of groups and organization to earn money from Google AdSense by illegal ways. These people take benefit of the innocent jobless youth who has no idea what and why to do something. They eagerly spent there precious time in clicking advertisement links to get the most of what they have.

Kabeer Khan, the so called GM of Google Link, falsely claimed himself a member of Google Company; in fact a distributor of Google. Furthermore, he said that Google gives out free web site to those who click their ads and so on.

Other company is called PakEarn.com they have a specialized web site with franchises throughout country. They have thousands of people in their group and are exploiting and forcing people to earn through Adsense.

Now the question rises that what these companies do and how?

• First of all a new member is asked to get a three day training for which they pay an amount of
Rs 1,000

• Once training is done, they make Blogspot blog for their members with AdSense account as well

• Afterwards, they give out a list of 1000 Yahoo IDs to each member and ask them to stay in touch with them for cross clicking

• Out of 1000, members are asked to interact with specific members on a specific day of month – this way, each member will click a web site after 7 days, to avoid fraud click detection;

• Members are asked to pay the company 10 per cent of their first month revenues.

This mafia is not only misusing Pakistan’s human resources but also destroying its international image. Pakistan is already fighting with the existing security issues. If Google is ever going to discover the massive amount of corruption populated in Pakistan and spread across the globe then it might ban the AdSense in Pakistan. This will not only cause great financial loss to the genuine workers but also those youngsters who are ignorantly attached with these fraudulent.

For evidence you can read this post as well.

We strongly recommend that stay away from these types of illegal activities and keep working the right way, by adhering to the Google Adsense Program Policies.

Google High Paying Keywords

Incorporating high paying keywords into your site is critical to maximizing your income. Who has the time to figure it all out? How much are you willing to pay for this type of information? The secret is out: Here are 99 keywords you can use with payouts averaging $2-$100 per click:

1. Structured settlements, 2. Mesothelioma, 3. Acne, 4. Life Insurance, 5. Death Insurance, 6. Bextra, 7. Asbestos, 8. Car Insurance, 9. Dental Plans, 10. Private Jets, 11. Debt Consolidation, 12. Credit Cards, 13. Rewards Cards, 14. Equity Loans, 15. Equity Line Credit, 16. Loans, 17. Mortgages, 18. Pay Day Loans, 19. Cash Advance. 20. Bankruptcy

21. Reduce Debt, 22. Refinance, 23. Jet Charter, 24. Vioxx, 25. Wrongful death, 26. Legal Advice, 27. Taxes, 28. Investing, 29. Bonds, 30. Online Trading, 31. IRA Rollover, 32. Refinance Quotes, 33. Adult Education, 34. Distance Learning, 35. Alcohol Treatment, 36. Rehab, 37. Drug Rehab, 38. Spyware, 39. Cell Phone Plans, 40. Calling Cards

41. VOIP, 42. Weight Loss, 43. Canadian Pharmacy, 44. Depression, 45. Spam Filter, 46. Lasik ,47. Facelift, 48. Teeth Whitening, 49. Annuity, 50. Anti Virus Protection, 51. Adult Diaper, 52. Free Credit Report, 53. Credit Score, 54. Satellite, 55. Anti Spam Software, 56. Dedicated Hosting, 57. Domain Name, 58. Need Money, 59. Bachelor Degree, 60. Master Degree

61. Doctorate Degree, 62. Work at Home, 63. Quick Book, 64. Extra Money, 65. Eloan, 66. Malpractice Lawyer, 67. Lenox China, 68. Cancer, 69. Payperclick, 70. Personal Injury Attorney, 71. Lexington Law, 72. Video Conferencing, 73. Transfer Money, 74. Windstar Cruise, 75. Casinos Online, 76. Term Life, 77. Online Banking, 78. Borrow Money, 79. Low Interest, Credit Cards, 80. Personal Domain Name

81. Cellular Phone Rental, 82. Internet Broker, 83. Trans Union, 84. Cheap Hosting, 85. University Degrees Online, 86. Online Marketing, 87. Consolidate, 88. Helpdesk Software, 89. Web Host, 90. Homeowner's Insurance, 91. Yellow Page Advertising, 92. Travel Insurance, 93. Register Domain, 94. Credit Counseling, 95. Email Hosting, 96. Business Credit, 97. Consumer Credit, 98. Blue Cross, 99. Laptop Compute

Actual payouts vary depending on whose PPC program you belong to and on the amount that has been bid per click by advertisers. Still, the savvy web administrator will take good care to incorporate some of these keywords and reap results higher than they ever expected.

Google Affiliate Network

Google Affiliate Network connects advertisers and publishers who want to increase sales and drive leads through affiliate marketing.

As an advertiser using Google Affiliate Network, you'll discover pre-screened publishers who can refer consumer traffic to you. As a publisher, you can market your site to advertisers in the network; if selected to participate in an advertiser's program, you'll earn a percent of sales or a referral bounty.

4 Google Affiliate Secrets To Help You Earn Thousands of Dollars Monthly
There is no doubt that Google affiliates rank as some of the most successful affiliates anywhere on the web.

Yet few understand the reason behind this success. Even the majority of Google affiliates who are yet to start making huge five figure checks do not quite understand why the Google Adsense program has flourished so much within such a short time.

Anybody who understands the real secrets behind the phenomenal rise of Google affiliates will be in a much better position to benefit and profit from it, whether or not they are current Adsense affiliates.

1. Google Affiliates Are Riding On The Most Dramatic Shift In The Advertising Industry In History
A few webmasters think that this Adsense and pay per click affiliate mania is a passing fad. All indications are that this is not the case. If anything mounting evidence points to one of the most dramatic and rapid shifts in advertising industry history. You can’t beat the deal to advertisers where they pay only for actual traffic to their website and more so when they can easily calculate their conversion rate on that traffic and predict their profit margin on the deal. This arrangement cannot be duplicated on TV or in any other offline media with so much precision and accuracy.

This means that advertising revenue will continue to shift away from other media and will move online at an even more rapid rate than is the case currently. And not just any online mediums like banner ads for example. The revenue will specifically shift to pay per click text ads. If you need some proof just look at the Google numbers in recent months, and most of it is being generated by PPC ad revenue.

What does that mean to a blogger or webmaster? It means huge and increasing profits as the number of advertisers grows and the competition between them for clicks grows fiercer.

It means that any expert in any tiny little niche will find it increasingly easier to make a good regular income from a low traffic targeted site with higher paying, more valuable Adsense keywords.

2. Google Affiliates Recognize That Content Is Not King, It’s Everything
Writers, or rather good writers are already enjoying a huge advantage as Google affiliates. Only well written content will attract quality traffic and only interesting engrossing content will keep that traffic coming back again and again. Only high-quality keyword rich content will keep a site high in search engine rankings and thus guarantee enough traffic to keep Google affiliate adsense earnings high.

3. Top Google Affiliates Are All Using The Blog Secret
Blogs were created for linking and everybody knows that links are closely related to traffic in two ways, firstly they generate traffic but more importantly, they help a site achieve high search engine rankings with usually opens the floodgates of traffic. Top Google affiliates are using this secret to keep those big fat Google affiliate Adsense checks arriving by special courier every month.

Most top Google affiliates have dozens of blogs loaded with the right keywords and engaging content. With just a little SEO (search engine optimization) skills, these new breed of high flying online professionals are able to get their sites to the top of search engine rankings. It is then minimal maintenance as they sit back and watch the traffic volumes flow to their blogs already loaded with Adsense ads. The result of all this is that the clicks happening at their sites shoots up and with it their Google affiliate Adsense earnings.

4. Google Affiliates Are Using The Secret of The Hook
In advertising it is called the hook. Journalists call it the angle or slant of the story. Both mean the same thing. It is all about picking up a subject and asking yourself, what aspect of it most interests your audience? If you answer that question accurately then your ad or your article will attract maximum interest.

Online this is becoming more critical by the day. Content that is not slanted to fit the interests and needs of you audience will not attract enough interest and this impacts on the traffic of your blog or site and ultimately on your Google affiliate adsense earnings.

Google Affiliate Network

Google Affiliate Network connects advertisers and publishers who want to increase sales and drive leads through affiliate marketing.

As an advertiser using Google Affiliate Network, you'll discover pre-screened publishers who can refer consumer traffic to you. As a publisher, you can market your site to advertisers in the network; if selected to participate in an advertiser's program, you'll earn a percent of sales or a referral bounty.

4 Google Affiliate Secrets To Help You Earn Thousands of Dollars Monthly
There is no doubt that Google affiliates rank as some of the most successful affiliates anywhere on the web.

Yet few understand the reason behind this success. Even the majority of Google affiliates who are yet to start making huge five figure checks do not quite understand why the Google Adsense program has flourished so much within such a short time.

Anybody who understands the real secrets behind the phenomenal rise of Google affiliates will be in a much better position to benefit and profit from it, whether or not they are current Adsense affiliates.

1. Google Affiliates Are Riding On The Most Dramatic Shift In The Advertising Industry In History
A few webmasters think that this Adsense and pay per click affiliate mania is a passing fad. All indications are that this is not the case. If anything mounting evidence points to one of the most dramatic and rapid shifts in advertising industry history. You can’t beat the deal to advertisers where they pay only for actual traffic to their website and more so when they can easily calculate their conversion rate on that traffic and predict their profit margin on the deal. This arrangement cannot be duplicated on TV or in any other offline media with so much precision and accuracy.

This means that advertising revenue will continue to shift away from other media and will move online at an even more rapid rate than is the case currently. And not just any online mediums like banner ads for example. The revenue will specifically shift to pay per click text ads. If you need some proof just look at the Google numbers in recent months, and most of it is being generated by PPC ad revenue.

What does that mean to a blogger or webmaster? It means huge and increasing profits as the number of advertisers grows and the competition between them for clicks grows fiercer.

It means that any expert in any tiny little niche will find it increasingly easier to make a good regular income from a low traffic targeted site with higher paying, more valuable Adsense keywords.

2. Google Affiliates Recognize That Content Is Not King, It’s Everything
Writers, or rather good writers are already enjoying a huge advantage as Google affiliates. Only well written content will attract quality traffic and only interesting engrossing content will keep that traffic coming back again and again. Only high-quality keyword rich content will keep a site high in search engine rankings and thus guarantee enough traffic to keep Google affiliate adsense earnings high.

3. Top Google Affiliates Are All Using The Blog Secret
Blogs were created for linking and everybody knows that links are closely related to traffic in two ways, firstly they generate traffic but more importantly, they help a site achieve high search engine rankings with usually opens the floodgates of traffic. Top Google affiliates are using this secret to keep those big fat Google affiliate Adsense checks arriving by special courier every month.

Most top Google affiliates have dozens of blogs loaded with the right keywords and engaging content. With just a little SEO (search engine optimization) skills, these new breed of high flying online professionals are able to get their sites to the top of search engine rankings. It is then minimal maintenance as they sit back and watch the traffic volumes flow to their blogs already loaded with Adsense ads. The result of all this is that the clicks happening at their sites shoots up and with it their Google affiliate Adsense earnings.

4. Google Affiliates Are Using The Secret of The Hook
In advertising it is called the hook. Journalists call it the angle or slant of the story. Both mean the same thing. It is all about picking up a subject and asking yourself, what aspect of it most interests your audience? If you answer that question accurately then your ad or your article will attract maximum interest.

Online this is becoming more critical by the day. Content that is not slanted to fit the interests and needs of you audience will not attract enough interest and this impacts on the traffic of your blog or site and ultimately on your Google affiliate adsense earnings.

Google Affiliate Network

Google Affiliate Network connects advertisers and publishers who want to increase sales and drive leads through affiliate marketing.

As an advertiser using Google Affiliate Network, you'll discover pre-screened publishers who can refer consumer traffic to you. As a publisher, you can market your site to advertisers in the network; if selected to participate in an advertiser's program, you'll earn a percent of sales or a referral bounty.

4 Google Affiliate Secrets To Help You Earn Thousands of Dollars Monthly
There is no doubt that Google affiliates rank as some of the most successful affiliates anywhere on the web.

Yet few understand the reason behind this success. Even the majority of Google affiliates who are yet to start making huge five figure checks do not quite understand why the Google Adsense program has flourished so much within such a short time.

Anybody who understands the real secrets behind the phenomenal rise of Google affiliates will be in a much better position to benefit and profit from it, whether or not they are current Adsense affiliates.

1. Google Affiliates Are Riding On The Most Dramatic Shift In The Advertising Industry In History
A few webmasters think that this Adsense and pay per click affiliate mania is a passing fad. All indications are that this is not the case. If anything mounting evidence points to one of the most dramatic and rapid shifts in advertising industry history. You can’t beat the deal to advertisers where they pay only for actual traffic to their website and more so when they can easily calculate their conversion rate on that traffic and predict their profit margin on the deal. This arrangement cannot be duplicated on TV or in any other offline media with so much precision and accuracy.

This means that advertising revenue will continue to shift away from other media and will move online at an even more rapid rate than is the case currently. And not just any online mediums like banner ads for example. The revenue will specifically shift to pay per click text ads. If you need some proof just look at the Google numbers in recent months, and most of it is being generated by PPC ad revenue.

What does that mean to a blogger or webmaster? It means huge and increasing profits as the number of advertisers grows and the competition between them for clicks grows fiercer.

It means that any expert in any tiny little niche will find it increasingly easier to make a good regular income from a low traffic targeted site with higher paying, more valuable Adsense keywords.

2. Google Affiliates Recognize That Content Is Not King, It’s Everything
Writers, or rather good writers are already enjoying a huge advantage as Google affiliates. Only well written content will attract quality traffic and only interesting engrossing content will keep that traffic coming back again and again. Only high-quality keyword rich content will keep a site high in search engine rankings and thus guarantee enough traffic to keep Google affiliate adsense earnings high.

3. Top Google Affiliates Are All Using The Blog Secret
Blogs were created for linking and everybody knows that links are closely related to traffic in two ways, firstly they generate traffic but more importantly, they help a site achieve high search engine rankings with usually opens the floodgates of traffic. Top Google affiliates are using this secret to keep those big fat Google affiliate Adsense checks arriving by special courier every month.

Most top Google affiliates have dozens of blogs loaded with the right keywords and engaging content. With just a little SEO (search engine optimization) skills, these new breed of high flying online professionals are able to get their sites to the top of search engine rankings. It is then minimal maintenance as they sit back and watch the traffic volumes flow to their blogs already loaded with Adsense ads. The result of all this is that the clicks happening at their sites shoots up and with it their Google affiliate Adsense earnings.

4. Google Affiliates Are Using The Secret of The Hook
In advertising it is called the hook. Journalists call it the angle or slant of the story. Both mean the same thing. It is all about picking up a subject and asking yourself, what aspect of it most interests your audience? If you answer that question accurately then your ad or your article will attract maximum interest.

Online this is becoming more critical by the day. Content that is not slanted to fit the interests and needs of you audience will not attract enough interest and this impacts on the traffic of your blog or site and ultimately on your Google affiliate adsense earnings.

Google Adwords

AdWords is Google's flagship advertising product and main source of revenue ($16.4 billion in 2007). AdWords offers pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text and banner ads. The AdWords program includes local, national, and international distribution. Google's text advertisements are short, consisting of one title line and two content text lines. Image ads can be one of several different Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) standard sizes.

Google's AdWords division is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the company's third-largest facility behind its Mountain View, California, headquarters and New York City office..

Pay-Per-Click advertisements (PPC)

Advertisers specify the words that should trigger their ads and the maximum amount they are willing to pay per click. When a user searches Google's search engine on www.google.com or the relevant local/national google server (e.g. www.google.fr for France), ads (also known as creatives by Google) for relevant words are shown as "sponsored links" on the right side of the screen, and sometimes above the main search results.

The ordering of the paid listings depends on other advertisers' bids (PPC) and the "quality score" of all ads shown for a given search. The quality score is calculated by historical click-through rates, relevance of an advertiser's ad text and keywords, an advertiser's account history, and other relevance factors as determined by Google. The quality score is also used by Google to set the minimum bids for an advertiser's keywords. The minimum bid takes into consideration the quality of the landing page as well, which includes the relevancy and originality of content, navigability, and transparency into the nature of the business. Though Google has released a list of full guidelines for sites, the precise formula and meaning of relevance and its definition is in part secret to Google and the parameters used can change dynamically.

The auction mechanism that determines the order of the ads has been called a "generalized second price" auction. It is similar to the Vickrey auction, but is not equivalent to the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism and hence truth telling is not an optimal strategy.

Google Adsense

AdSense is an advertisement application run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image, and more recently, video advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google is also currently beta-testing a cost-per-action based service.


Google uses its Internet search technology to serve advertisements based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted advertisement system may enroll through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the advertisements are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the advertisements is often relevant to the website.

Currently, AdSense uses JavaScript code to incorporate the advertisements into a participating website. If the advertisements are included on a website that has not yet been crawled by the Mediabot, AdSense will temporarily display advertisements for charitable causes, also known as public service announcements (PSAs). (The Mediabot is different from the Googlebot, which maintains Google's search index.)

Many websites use AdSense to monetize their content. AdSense has been particularly important for delivering advertising revenue to small websites that do not have the resources for developing advertising sales programs and salespeople. To fill a website with advertisements that are relevant to the topics discussed, webmasters implement a brief script on the websites' pages. Websites that are content-rich have been very successful with this advertising program, as noted in a number of publisher case studies on the AdSense website.

Some webmasters invest significant effort into maximizing their own AdSense income. They do this in three ways:[citation needed]

They use a wide range of traffic-generating techniques, including but not limited to online advertising.
They build valuable content on their websites that attracts AdSense advertisements, which pay out the most when they are clicked.
They use text content on their websites that encourages visitors to click on advertisements. Note that Google prohibits webmasters from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. The phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements".`

The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program, which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction. AdSense commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (i.e., a bid not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid.