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Monday, July 13, 2009

All about RSS ???

What is RSS?:

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is the main format used to syndicate web content primarily from news sites & blogs. Think of RSS syndication as similar to the news feeds/stock tickers that scroll along the bottom of your television screen when you watch a news channel. Various information is gathered (in the case of blogs, new posts are gathered) then aggregated (or put together) as a feed & displayed in single location (a feed reader).

Why is RSS Helpful?:

RSS simplifies the process of reading blogs. Many bloggers & blog enthusiasts, have a dozen/more blogs they visit on a daily basis. It can be time consuming to have to type in each URL & move from one blog to another. When people subscribe to blogs, they receive the feed for each blog they've subscribed to & can read those feeds in a single location through a feed reader. New posts for each blog a person subscribes to are displayed in the feed reader, so it's quick & easy to find who has posted something new & interesting rather than searching each individual blog to find that new content.

What is a Feed Reader?:

A feed reader is the software used to read the feeds people subscribe to. Many websites offer feed reader software for free & you simply access your aggregated feed content through a username & password on that website. Popular feed readers include Google Reader & Bloglines.

How Do I Subscribe to a Blog's Feed?:

To subscribe to a blog's feed, first register for an account with the feed reader of your choice. Then simply select the link, tab/icon identified as 'RSS' or 'Subscribe' (or something similar) on the blog you'd like to subscribe to. Typically, a window will open asking you which feed reader you'd like to read the blog's feed in. Choose your preferred feed reader & you're all set. The blog's feed will start appearing in your feed reader.

How Do I Create an RSS Feed for My Blog?:

Creating a feed for your own blog is easily done by visiting the Feedburner website & registering your blog. Next, you'll add code provided by Feedburner to a specific location on your blog & your feed is ready to go!

What is the Email Subscription Option?:

There may be a situation where you find a blog that you enjoy so much you want to be notified via email each time that blog is updated with a new post. When you subscribe to a blog by email, you'll automatically receive an email message in your Inbox each time that blog is updated. The email message includes information about the update & directs you to the new content.