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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Way to Happiness

Even when times are difficult, people seek for happiness. The goal for the good life doesn’t leave us readily, even when our jobs are on the line or our investments are shrinking in value. We want so many things in our materialistic world, nice cars, beautiful homes, travel, great entertainment……and yet, with so many having had it all, few seem to really be happy. What is happiness, and what brings it on. That’s the subject of this Moral Compass.

Happiness isn’t something you can buy. If it were, somebody would be making billions selling it. Many are in the business of trying to do just that, but what they offer is only temporary enjoyment, like a great trip to somewhere that provides a good memory accompanied by lots of photos we can show our grandkids someday. But happiness – the deep satisfaction that remains with us whether times are good or times are difficult – that doesn’t come with a dollar sign. We have to seek it another way.

Happiness isn’t a life full of endless fun either. People who are fun seekers can only be happy running from one fun experience to another – if they are rich enough to pursue such a life. The effort to maintain a high on pleasure, however, is a foreboding task. Pleasure seeking with a resulting form of happiness that is only sustained until the next pleasure high can be found is not true happiness, but rather diversion.

Happiness isn’t a fleeting good feeling either – like the feeling one gets from eating a great meal or seeing a good movie. The enjoyment that comes from such experiences definitely lifts us up, but it doesn’t go down deep to create a happiness that is constant and emanates from the core of our being.

So what is true happiness? It is the deep inner pleasure one derives from living a life that is built on solid moral principle. Moral principles that guide our thoughts and actions provide us with a way to live that heads us in a positive direction at all times, whether times are good or times are difficult. Moral principles help us coexist with our family members in a solidly positive way and teach us to seek good – not harm – for our friends and associates. And where do we find those guiding principles? They are found in the Bible – the best selling book this world has ever produced.

Why are the moral principles of the Bible conducive to happiness? By following them we find peace with God, right relationships with others, and wholesomeness in our own minds. With their influence we are guided into wise living and truly positive thinking. We are taught what is good and what is evil, and just knowing that is a great step toward finding true happiness.

Happiness is a blessing God desires for all people. That desire prompted Him to inspire a book full of wise and powerful principles that, if studied and used in our lives, would guarantee a life of true happiness that includes productivity, prosperity, and good health – all great benefits of living a life that is blessed with true happiness.

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