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Monday, June 15, 2009

Exercise and Family

It's natural to send kids outside to play during the warmer months. In winter, you have to make more of a conscious effort. Don't let the kids veg-out watching videos and tired, re-run television shows all day during the weekends. Make exercise a family thing. Go skating, take a winter hike or even a nice long walk. The cold fresh air will invigorate everybody and make sleep a little easier too.

Exercising regularly up to thirty minutes a day should help a troubled person fall asleep at night. You might not be able to do it every day, but using your lunch hour for physical exercise a few times a week can be a real time-saver. Just getting out and walking for 30 minutes can be a great energizer.

If a longer lunch exercise session appeals to you, it might not be a bad idea to talk to your supervisor about it. You might get permission to do a serious workout at a health club if there's one nearby, a skating rink, a basketball court, whatever if you're willing to make up the time at the end of the day; not a bad idea considering you won't need to rush home and exercise after work. See, I remembered how busy you are.

During holiday time people need to exercise as much as any other time of year if not more considering the added mental stress that holidays tend to bring. For those who stop exercising in the winter, and attempt to pick up when it gets warm are exposing themselves to the risk of injury. In bad weather, little daylight, or during holiday periods, there's plenty of time for over indulgence; making it tempting to spend time under a blanket watching television and eating from a giant bowl of chips. Staying active gives a person not only more energy but the desire to want more. Exercise should feel a little bit like work.

Challenge yourself in the following ways:

a. Perform your activity more quickly than usual, or double the amount of
time you usually devote to exercise.
b. Add weight training to your routine.

Those who reason themselves out of a chance at improved health before
they begin are a sad lot indeed. They blindly conjure countless reasons for doing nothing about their lasting problem of poor mental and physical health. How tragic it is when laziness wins out over correctness. Take a leisurely stroll through any hospital ward; where the occupants are literally dying for a chance to do what the lazy pass-up daily. Exercise helps when people feel down in the dumps

Once the new you is exercising you will soon realize that exercise makes
you feel better. It is not your imagination. Make exercise a habit. Habits are hard to break bad ones and good ones. That's why you'll find it hard to get out of the habit of exercising once it has
become part of your routine. Tell yourself that for the next few months you are going to exercise on specific days week after week. After three months, you probably won't want to break this habit.

Good luck!

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